Friday, December 3, 2010

.COM : Domain Name ?


     .COM : Dot come :

             Domain extensions  like(,,, ETC)

         - .com is the most popular for all users . when any user remember the domain name ... he will always remember it with  .com . it is very easy to recall

    But there is an important question:

        when you make your web site using  S E O your website needn't to be with   
    .com extension  cause of this since depending on build a good keywords  researches, As ( S E O ) : lets you reach your goals to have a good web site even if it is with the  .com extension or other extension

        So what is makes the  .com extension better ???
    there is your answer :
    • · Trusted and have more recall values more than other extensions.
    • · The default for most popular browsers .... lets give you an example :in case you you are      looking for and you     forgot to write .net tray to press Enter ..... and you will find that your braowesr went to by default 
    • . It's very easy to recall as you can wright just the name of website and press ( Ctrl+Enter ) the browser will add www.          .com automatically, So it is very easy for users
    • · in the future if you want to sill your domain name .com gives you the best price .to know more flow us  

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